Health News
Avoid a Total Knee Replacement with Conservative Rehabilitation

In a recent press release out of the Shlbourne Knee Center in Indianapolis, IN, they highlight their finding of a recently completed study on knee arthritis patients. 25 men and 25 women experiencing both knee pain and difficulty bending/straightening the knee participated in the study
.The summary of the press release reads: "These findings highlight the efficacy of improving range of motion in patients with arthritic knees. Preoperative rehabilitation before ACL reconstruction surgery is now considered standard-of-care, but very few surgeons require preoperative rehabilitation before total knee replacement. Many patients are looking for ways to avoid having a knee replacement surgery, but are not given other options if medications fail to control their symptoms. This study shows that by implementing preoperative total knee replacement rehabilitation, many patients may be able to avoid surgery."
To read the press release in its entirety, click here.
In 2005, physical therapist and researcher, Gail Deyle, published an important study which concluded that for patients with arthritic knee pain, exercise and manual physical therapy significantly improved quality of life and walking ability.
The information in the above press release provides additional evidence that conservative care is an excellent conservative option for those suffering with knee arthritis.
July 15, 2009
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